Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Saturday Edition

I'm not sure if I posted this picture last week or not, but I know I didn't tell the funny story around it. My boys and I had just left a film when we saw Harvey Weinstein (of The Weinstein Company, or Miramax) walking by. I'd seen him at a million festivals, but never spoke to him because, hello, it's Harvey Weinstein. In fact, Pants said that he'd just heard Harvey say to one of his people, "Don't let anybody touch me" as they walked through a crowd. So, I'm not sure why I felt compelled to get a picture with him. Perhaps after all the douchebaggery of some others on Main St. (I'm looking at you, Anthony Kiedis and Carlos), I just wanted to see how spectacular his "No" would be. However, when I asked him, he said, "Yeah, one second" and then walked away. But, as soon as he spoke to someone, he walked back, put his arms out and took a picture with me. The boys were stunned. They're convinced it's my best picture yet (just because of who it is and his poor reputation). I just think it's funny.

1 comment:

  1. That guy is a nightmare. I think the only thing I have read that is good about him is what you wrote.
