Friday, January 30, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Friday Edition

So, I realize we just saw this picture of me and Anthony Edwards (of Top Gun and ER fame) last week, but I wanted to tell you the funny story about the first time I met him. Long ago and far away, I met Anthony Edwards (aka Dr. Mark Greene) at his movie premiere while I was talking to James LeGros. Now, I love ER, and seeing Dr. Greene just thrilled me to no end. This was, of course, before I was really on my celebrity-picture-getting game, so at that time I was happy to take pictures of them, not necessarily with them (what kind of a chump was I? All those lost opportunities. Sigh....). Anyway, when I saw him, what I meant to say was, "I love you on ER" but for whatever reason an erroneous pause was placed in between "I love you" and "on ER." Needless to say, he looked at me like I was the biggest freak alive. Nice. Luckily this time our time together was much better spent. :) And I don't think I accidentally pledged my love to him (again).

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