Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pinky's Fandance - Sunday Edition

I'm not sure why, but last year I started touching people to get their attention. I suppose I realized that sometimes you can't always get their attention when calling out their name or trying to catch their eye, so I touch them. Get your mind out of the gutter, NOT in an inappropriate way, of course, just in a, "Hi, I'm here, please take your picture with me" type of way. With Meg Ryan, I held her hand, with Matthew Broderick, I tapped his shoulder, and with Ray Romano, as he was autographing something for someone else, I tapped his hand. Granted, I'm not particularly proud of the tapping (read: butting in) while someone else is having their moment, but I've got limited time and it was Ray Romano, who I'd seen at past festivals and could never get before. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Plus, he seemed fine with the tapping and happily posed for the picture, even though it was way too early in the morning (as evidenced by our lovely photo). Yes, I'm sure you're loving my "Where's Waldo?" type hat. Don't lie.

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