Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Passive Aggressive Much?

So, the other day I sent a friend request on Facebook to a girl I knew in high school. A girl who, last I checked, was my friend. But, instead of accepting said friend request, she sent me a message that said, "Really?" No content in the message, just a title that said "Really?" Um, what? Passive aggressive much? I mean, if you don't want to be my friend (but who wouldn't want to be my friend? Oh, that's right....lots of people....) then fine, but you can leave out the commentary, thank you very much. I wrote her back and said, "I'm not sure what you mean" or something to that affect, but, alas, no response. Oh, and I just figured out that a girl who friended me from Italy was the little daughter of my best friend Sheila in Italy. OK, I feel REALLY old now! She was maybe ten when I lived she's 18. Yikes!

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