Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Old Home Week

Going to Sundance is always so much fun - not only for the films and the experience (OK, and the celebrities), but because I get to spend the time surrounded by friends old and new. It's like you see someone at Headquarters (the same person you'd forgotten existed the rest of the year) and there's always a little scream and a hug. It's so great to see everyone and catch up on how the rest of their year was. Going up to HQ today to check-in was one reunion after the other. The funniest thing happened at the festival store when I was talking to a lady I've met through the years. She complimented me on my hair color and I said, "Oh, it's nice to have someone like it because my boys don't seem to like it at all." Of course, by "my boys" I meant my friends that have been staying with me. So, she goes, "How old are your sons?" I was like, "Huh?" I never even put that together (duh!). Speaking of boys, they're all up the mountain and in their own lodging except for one that comes tonight (his flight arrives at 11). It's been one airport pick-up after the next! It's been a long, but fun day and it only gets better from here.

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