Friday, January 9, 2009

My Boys are Coming!!!

I'm not really sure how our group formed, but I've got the tightest, closest knit posse of friends that Sundance has ever seen. I met Jersey Dave my second year, and then he brought Jared the third year, which is when we also added Pants (aka Michael) and Shaun. The next year Pants brought Aaron, and then Charles joined in as well. As this is my eighth festival, by now we've got a pretty tight click. The boys are from all over - New Jersey, Cleveland, Wisconsin, LA, San Francisco, and North Carolina. They usually fly in a day or two before they get their housing, stay at the Pink Palace (I think we've had at least six at one time), and then we all head up the mountain to check-in. As they're from out of state, they all get lodging in Park City, and then after the Festival we spend the final day watching the winning films and have dinner at Coachman's (our annual tradition). It's such a fun time. I completely adore those boys and look forward to seeing them all year long. We have such a blast. I'm not sure how I ended up being the only girl of the group, but no matter. I'm so excited for my boys to arrive!


  1. Have the BEST time at the festival! I can't wait to hear about all of the exciting people you are going to get a photo with this year. (And of course, the photos are the most anticipated. I'm crossing my fingers for you in hopes you get one with John Krasinski- yum!)

  2. How fun!!! I think I'm going to end up missing out on Sundance AGAIN this year. *sigh* David works all day on Saturdays. When does it end? Maybe we'll all pile in the car on Sunday. I'm sure it would be all done by then...but I'd at least get to go to my favorite eatery...Morning Ray!!! Yummy!!! :)
