Thursday, January 1, 2009

Luckily Today Wasn't My Only Day Off

Today feels a bit like a wasted day. I didn't really sleep in as much as I'd like, I didn't really get much accomplished, and I'm still rocking the same headache I had when I woke up. Sigh. Luckily I'm also off tomorrow, so perhaps I'll get something done then (such as taking down my Christmas trees, organizing my scrapbooks, or getting things cleaned up - at this point I'll take any of the above).I do have lunch plans up in Park City (so at least I'll be leaving the house -score!). The only thing of note I did today was dye my hair again, which of course just made a bigger mess (red everywhere). I thought I'd do the red one more time to spice up my Sundance pics - something different, right? Oh my, this headache is killing me. Can hardly think. Ugh.

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