Monday, January 5, 2009

Lazy Sunday

When I drove to work this morning it was 15 degrees. That's right. 15. There should be some sort of law against weather so frigid. My entire body was screaming at me from every pore, "GET YOURSELF BACK UNDERNEATH YOUR ELECTRIC BLANKET...NOW!!!" My body hates me, I'm telling you. Yesterday I had the laziest day in the history of man. I woke up at two (yes, that's two in the afternoon, thank you very much), was awake for maybe an hour, and then took a two-hour nap. Seriously. What was that? Could I be more lazy? Obviously my body needed it for some reason (or else I just overdid it with my sleeping pill), but come on. Between my lazy Sunday and the several days I was afflicted with the neverending, awful headache, I feel as though I totally wasted my time off work. And in case you were wondering, yes, my Christmas trees are STILL up. I'm afraid the Holiday Police are going to come to my place and arrest me for holiday decorations left up too long. If this blog suddenly ceases to have updates, rest assured they've locked me up for insubordination to the Holiday Removal Laws.

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