Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Holiday Card Watch Comes to an End

And so it is that at some point after lunch (when I snuck over to her cubicle to take photographic evidence of the eyesore ), a miracle came to pass at my company today. The cards came down! Hooray!!! :) Did she happen to see my Holiday Card Watch post? I don't know. All that's important is I will no longer feel the need to violently tear the cards off the wall. In other good news, my new power cord arrived on my doorstep today. I know, already! Can you believe it? That's so impressive - it almost makes up for the crappy customer service. And finally, at bowling tonight, we played Team Talks-A-Lot. I'm not sure what it was that made them want to open up their souls, but every time I stood at the alley about to bowl, they'd start spewing out information. One after the other, they told me WAY too much information. I don't even know their names and I'm sure I was just staring at them like, "Are you serious? Is this really happening right now?" It felt a bit like Twilight Zone Bowling. I'd share a few of their stories, but I'm afraid I wasn't really listening. I did a lot of nodding and smiling (while screaming inside).

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