Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I suppose this comic is a wee bit misleading, as I'd been asleep for hours by the time the clock hit twelve last night (see, I told you I was 100). I actually had a few offers to go out, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to go to bed. I was actually lying here, waiting for my friend to call, and I fell asleep. No movies watched, no crochet accomplished, just sleeping like the dead. Nice. I even missed the phone call (and the possible plans that would've followed). Oh well. Last year I tried not to have plans and ended up doing shots with my neighbor when I got home....and then was hating life for days. So, it's probably better to have gone to bed. At least I'm somewhat functional today (aside from this terrible headache - probably from too much sleep). Wow, I'm a barrel of laughs today. Maybe I'll be better once I get a New Year's Kiss. :) At any rate, I hope you're having a very Happy New Year! :)

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