Saturday, January 31, 2009

Game? What Game?

So, apparently there's some big game tomorrow. Can I just say how much I don't care? Granted, while there are many things I do care about in this life, a football game is not one of them. One of my best friends just asked me if I was going to watch and I had to ask her if she'd ever met me before (because, if she had, she'd know the answer to the question). I suppose it was once popular to watch it long ago when you wanted to see the commercials, but now you can just watch them online at a later date, so it makes the entire football game a moot point. I guess I'll have to find other ways to occupy my time. I'm currently sitting in my apartment and thoroughly enjoying myself - the peace and quiet, the ability to walk around in whatever I want, the lack of houseguests. Who would give this up for a football game? That's just crazy talk. :)

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