Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dating Challenged, Thy Name is Pinky

The more I date someone, the more of a special-needs kid I seem to feel like. Did I ride the short bus of relationships to school? Why am I such a spazz? Last week I saw Trucker at Sundance. Yeah, that one. Remember him? I'll admit I could've been nicer (but I was busy and we ended a long time ago - so what if this was the first time we'd seen each other since we broke up....). Last night Stalker stopped by my place when 28 was over. Um, hello clash of the boys (can you say awkward?!?!). What is wrong with me? Why can't I just relax? I've finally found someone I like enough to not want to be dating a million people and all I do is create problems in my head. Drama drama drama. Is it real or imagined? When does one ever calm down and stop imagining such drama? When can I relax? I hate this. I keep finding things that *could* be wrong instead of just enjoying the time we have together. Why is it impossible for me to just enjoy the wave? Will I ever just relax? Why did I give up my mancation?

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