Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Poor Kate Hudson. She can't seem to catch a break. Does she even need a front to her bathing suit? She seems to have inherited her mom's rack (or lack thereof). She's flat as a board. I fear one of these days Madonna is going to morph into some form of the animals she wears around.The good news? SJP finally used the brush I sent her (hooray!). The bad news? Is that an extra large Christmas bow and/or wrapping she's wearing?Aside from Naomi Watts' rocking the hairstyle I wore in 7th grade, I think she looks amazing (especially considering she gave birth less than a month ago). Well done!Do you think Tyra Banks tries to look like a tranny?

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE SJP, but I had to laugh. Although, plaid is in this year, I think that picture looks like Scotch Tape.

    PS- I just have to say that my word verification said: fast screw... hmm.....

    ~Amy Anderson (Brian and Heidi's Friend)
