Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Come over here, Hugh, and let me run my fingers through your delicious messy tresses. Yum.I don't know why, but I love these two together (Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey, that is). They just seem to make sense to me. But why is she so scantily clad and he's in a full outfit? You know, it's strange because the brush I sent SJP to use on her son's hair was never returned to me and yet she still does not appear to be using it. What gives?"Follow me, Kate, do not say a word. Do not look as though I'm controlling you. Try to look happy to be with me. TRY, I say! Get that dejected look off your face." Oh my goodness, the open-mouth sydrome that Goldie Hawn is afflicted with appears to be hereditary. Is Anne Hathaway wearing leggings? Lindsay strikes again (that girl sure does get around!)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't every little kid's wish to have HIS hair look just like his mom's?
