Monday, January 26, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Tuesday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Dear Miley Cyrus: I'm sorry you're sick of playing Hannah Montana, but I don't think posing for the cover of a Harlequin romance novel is the way to go to change up your persona. Nice try, though.Dear Cameron Diaz: I'm not sure why you're shopping in the children's section, but that jacket is WAY too small for you. You look like a drowned rat/hunchback. Not hot.Dear Jennifer Lopez: That hairstyle is not attractive and accentuates your giant alien-like ears. Put your hair down and all will be well. Also, are you aware that your husband's face is morphing into something terrible? Dear Jessica Simpson: Wow. Every time I think you couldn't possibly look more like a transvestite, you surprise me. Congratulations on out-trashing yourself. I didn't know it was possible.Dear Kanye West: Are you serious? Red shoes? The only people I know with red shoes are clowns and Ronald McDonald. Wipe that smile off your face. You look insane.

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