Monday, January 5, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Ahhh, look how happy Adrien Grenier is. Someone must've told him I'd be back at Sundance this year. He can't wait to see me! :)Hi, Katie. 1969 called and wanted its pants back.Wow, look how footloose and fancy free Kevin Bacon is in that tie (see what I did there? Get it? Footloose? Man, I kill myself sometimes).Now, see, from the waist up, Cam Gigadent (OK, so I just wanted to say his name again) looks somewhat normal. However, if you were to see the entire picture, you'd see that blasted kilt. Where's PETA when you need them? It looks like Deborrah-Lee Furness (otherwise known as Hugh Jackman's wife) decided to wear one of Big Bird's relatives as a shawl.

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