Thursday, January 1, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Thursday Edition

Happy New Year! Welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Peek-a-boo, I see you, Katy Perry. Not sure what kind of statement you're trying to make, but I hope someone shoots me before I ever wear something as strange as that.Oh, look. Mariah Carey found some local kid to help her with her luggage on her Bahamas getaway. Oh, wait. That's not a local boy. That's her "husband" Nick Cannon. Nice sideways cap, Nick. Classy. Nothing says "I'm a responsible, married, grown-up in a mature relationship" like wearing your baseball cap gangsta-style. It must be laundry day at Madonna's house, because she seems to be wearing Justin Timberlake's hat, her daughter's ripped jeans (and possibly her shirt, as well), and some hideous jacket she stole off a bum on the street. Why is she making that face? I had no idea Jennifer Love-Hewitt was in some sort of depression. What else could account for the drab grey sweatsuit and walking her dog while wearing rollerskates? I mean, isn't that the epitome of laziness? Making your dog drag your sad, sorry self around?Denise Richards obviously misunderstood the invitation for the New Year's Eve party. She thought the theme was "come dressed up as your favorite Barbie doll." From the looks of it, she chose Malibu Barbie.

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