Saturday, January 10, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Sunday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Dear SJP: Um, what did Barney ever do to you?Dear Rumer Willis: Nice try with the wispy bangs, but, once again, we can STILL see your face.Dear TC: What are you smiling about? I still desperately hate you and no one is falling for your "I'm-not-crazy" crap. You will forever be looney tunes with a delusional cherry on top.Dear Lindsay Lohan: Yee-haw! Congratulations on finally prying those freaking leggings from your legs and wearing some actual jeans. I couldn't be more proud.Dear Jessica Simpson: Stop taking fashion advice from Rumer Willis and SJP. The messy hair isn't fooling anyone. We can still see your face.

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