Saturday, January 3, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Sunday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Obviously George Clooney is completely giddy while imagining possibly running into me at Sundance. He just loves my guts. Hi, Heather Locklear. I realize you were able to breathe new life into Melrose Place by wearing those super short skirts, (and, truth be told, you probably still could), but guess what? You're like 45. Turn your hat around, stop bedazzling your jeans, and walk away from the Hannah Montana sign. It does not make you look young, my dear; it makes you look ridiculous.I guess it's true what they say - the couple that dresses alike stays together (does anyone really say that or did I just make it up?). Here's my question for Joel Madden and Nicole Ritchie - why does their look have to be so sloppy? Why did they have to choose hobo chic? Cam Gigadent, you know I'll usually give you a pass because I enjoy saying your name over and over, but I'm afraid I cannot overlook this one minor detail today - YOU'RE WEARING A SKIRT. I mean, are you serious? You're at a mall, "casually" shopping while wearing a skirt? And, is that a PURSE? Oh, my.Is Rihanna on her way to the boxing ring? Why is she wearing those silly gloves? Either she's into boxing, paying homage to Michael Jackson (although in that case she should only wear one, right?), or she forgot what year it was and went back to the 80's.

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