Sunday, January 25, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up - Monday Edition

I've got one more day off work to recover from the hurricane that is Sundance, so I'm going to *attempt* to get my blog back on its normally scheduled programming. Please be patient with me. I'm so tired I'm practically narcoleptic. I had no idea Beyonce and Jay-Z were capable of looking even more ridiculous than possible. Um, nice hat?There are so many things wrong with Anne Hathaway's outfit I don't even know where to start. The grey shorts, the black tights, the boring trenchcoat, the stupid tight ponytail, the big Jackie O glasses....this girl is a white hot mess. Is Kate Winslet in the race to play Flash Gordon's wife? What's with the weird logo on her dress? She's obviously gunning for superhero status.I'm fairly certain if you looked up the word douchebag in the dictionary, this picture would pop up first.Jennifer Connelley must be vying for a role in the next Twilight movie. What else would explain the vampire-ish pale skin?

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