Monday, January 12, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Monday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Jennifer Lopez completely understood what it meant to attend the Golden Globes. Apparently, she thought it meant "wear the tackiest golden dress you could find." (I'd say she was trying to make her globes golden, but that's way too easy). :)Now, I don't know about you, but I hate wearing nylons at all, let alone wearing them on both my legs AND my arms. Seems a little bit of overkill, Kate Bosworth. Plus, why do you insist on slicking your hair back like so and accentuating your ears? They are not your best quality, just in case you didn't know.Oh, look. TC was able to get his own mother as his date. It's official - he's so annoying, he's got a face only a mother could love.Did Drew Barrymore recently have a terrible accident which caused her to go blind? Or has she just been doing her hair by sticking her finger in a light socket?What are you smilinga about, Renee? That dress is sub-par and your hair is a bird's nest. Are you wearing a t-shirt under there?

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