Sunday, January 4, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Monday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Dear Jennifer Aniston: Really? You can even pull off a cowboy hat? I hate you.Dear Richard Gere: You are 100 if you're a day. Please stop making everyone's eyes bleed and cover your saggy body up. I'm about to lose my lunch.Dear Jessica Simpson: You know it's hard times when I think your mutt is cuter than you are. And I hate dogs.Dear Madonna: Please stop letting Lindsay Lohan babysit Lourdes because she's passing along her horrible fashion sense. Leggings? Come on. Also, your son seems to be playing dress-up as a tennis player. You might need to watch that.Dear Beyonce: Are all your clothes low-cut, ill-fitting dresses in all the wrong places? I'm just wondering.

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