Thursday, January 8, 2009

Celebrity Wrap Up, Friday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Aside from the fact that Rosario Dawson is wearing a circus tent and Will Smith borrowed his father's smoking jacket from 1962, I think this is a super cute picture.OK, Lindsay Lohan, you win. I'd much rather see others wearing leggings than no pants at all (like Nicole Richie here....does she really think those pantyhose are cutting it?)My early congratulations to Joshua Duhamel and Fergie who will be getting married this weekend. However, what's with the bandana, Josh? Planning to rob a bank on the way to the chapel? I don't understand.Oh, Beyonce. I applaud your desire to actually wear properly fitted clothing, but pea soup green? Really? Ugh. And why is your husband, Jay-Z, dressed up like Urkel?I can't really bag on their outfits because Kidd Rock is just being Kidd Rock and Ellen is her cute, charming self. But how adorable do they look in these pictures? Love it!

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