Monday, January 26, 2009

The Boys Have Left the Building

Tonight I drove "Pants" to the train station for his neverending ride back to Cali. He's the last of my boys to depart, as Shaunie left this morning, and Charles, Jared, and Dave left yesterday. Phew! Even though they stayed up in PC most of the time, it's exhausting to have people in and out all the time. My place is a wreck. I can't wait to get organized and feel my wits about me again. Still, we had a great time. Tonight Pants and I hung out with Galoon, Brigham, and Nick for awhile and then on the way to his train we went to Coachman's for our "last meal" - which is where we go after every Festival (we just usually have a bunch of people with us). It was nice to still be able to keep up our tradition, as it felt a little empty with half the group leaving yesterday. I miss them already.

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