Friday, January 30, 2009

Bowling Queen

Last night at bowling I was given a fancy bowling patch. I'm not really sure what it's for - is it because I bowled a game over 160, or because I've bowled 160 games? I didn't see anyone else getting these festive badges (although, I have been gone for two weeks and might've missed out). What does one do with a bowling patch? I suppose I could sew it to my bowling bag, but it's my Hello Kitty bowling bag and way too cute to mess up with a patch. Hmmm. I'll have to think about it. My friend Laurie also brought me a super cute bling bling flamingo (thank you, Lar!!). I think it's an ornament, but I'd like to make it into a necklace and wear it all the time. I'm crazy like that, you know. Don't think I won't do it.

1 comment:

  1. You got the patch because it was the first time you bowled over or exactly 160. I'd put the patch in a scrapbook.
