Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Birds of a Feather

Oh, look. It's douchebags on parade. Congratulations to Ashton "I'm too good to take a picture with anyone" Kutcher and Anthony "I thank you, but no" Kiedis on winning the oh-so-coveted Sundance Douchebag 2009 award. They are closely followed, of course, by Carlos from Desperate Housewives,Slash from Guns and Roses (I didn't even want his stupid picture, but he should have stopped), and Denise "I'll take a picture with you on the way out" (but didn't - that LIAR!!) Richards.
Yes, douchebaggery was in full effect at Sundance this year. Hopefully next year they'll just stay home and stop abusing the common folk.

1 comment:

  1. To busy "getting in a car" to take a pic with us, but they have all the time in the world to pose with each other. DOUCHBAGS!
