Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Yes Man? Yes, Please!

Always the procrastinator, yesterday after work I used a movie pass I received a year ago which expired today (nothing like waiting until the last minute...). I wasn't sure if I should see Yes Man, Marley and Me, or Bedtime Stories, but I felt like laughing and figured Jim Carrey would be the one to deliver the laughs. I'm happy to report I made the right decision (not that I won't be seeing the other films, but yesterday I just felt like a little Jim Carrey). Anyone who remembers Jim from "In Living Color" will appreciate this film, as he's just classic Jim Carrey with his funny faces and voices and the over-the-top stuff which is just hysterical. Zooey Deschanel was adorable as his girlfriend and an added bonus was Bradley Cooper playing the best friend (how YOU doin', Bradley Cooper?). YUM. He's just a tasty treat to say the least. What was I talking about? Oh, right. Yes Man. Check it out when you get a chance. It's fun.

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