Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pinky's Fandance - Tuesday Edition

Last year while watching the movie Smart People at the Festival, I scored a Trifecta of celebrity pictures. I remember sitting there in the front row and talking to some annoying girl next to me (come on, they can't all be gems) about who we were trying to get pictures with. She was telling me how she was determined to get a picture with SJP. I laughed and said she looked like she'd be a B and I could only hope to get a picture with her. Flash forward to after the movie and I not only got a picture with SJP and her husband, Matthew Broderick (I think I've shared this story before??), but I went out back hoping upon hope that Dennis Quaid would make an appearance (where only the truly dedicated stand for autographs and pictures with the stars as they exit from the back). Get this - not only did he sign autographs with EVERYONE who waited (which is rare in that cold late at night), but he actually asked me after we took the picture, "Was that OK? Do you need another one?" I was like, "You know what, DQ? We got it. We're good. Nicely done." OK, in truth, I probably muttered, "um, yeah, it's great, thanks" and then scurried away. Inside I was DYING - SJP, Ferris Bueller, AND DQ???? I thought I might burst!

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