Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pinky's Fandance - Tuesday Edition

When I was little, I loved loved loved Different Strokes. Gary Coleman was just the cutest thing ever and I could not get enough of the show (come to think of it, I also had an affinity for the show Webster. What was it about super short black guys that did it for me?). So, when I heard that Gary Coleman was cruising the streets of Sundance a few years ago (in a who-can-get-the-most-swag contest with Screech), I was thrilled and hoped against hope that I'd be able to meet him and get a picture. My friends and I came upon Mr. Coleman in the restaurant we were eating in. One by one we got a picture with him (we stood on our knees, of course) and let me tell you - Gary Coleman is NOT a nice person. Granted, he did take the pictures, but it was extremely begrudgingly. I tried to say, "Just one more" and he said, "It's never just one more picture!" It took everything I had not to say, "What'chu talkin' about, Coleman?" Because, really, aside from marrying 18-year-old virgins and hitting people with his car, it's not like he's done much as an adult. Shouldn't he be flattered we still wanted his stupid picture??!

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