Saturday, December 20, 2008

Pinky's Fandance - Saturday Edition

In honor of the upcoming Sundance Film Festival (which happens in less than a month...tick tock, tick tock), I'd like to present a new daily feature called Pinky's Fandance where we'll revisit the stories behind the pictures (thanks to McB for the idea). There's no rhyme or reason to the people, just whatever I feel like posting at the time. Of course, not all of the pictures have good stories, but the ones that do I'll try my best to bring you right into the action. :) Today's submission is Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman.I met them at the 2003 Sundance Film Festival when they were there to support Zach Braff's film Garden State, which they'd produced. Initially I saw them on the street when I went to get my first picture with Zach, but they hurriedly walked by on the way to lunch. When I saw them sitting in the audience at The Motorcycle Diaries, I had to try again. I was standing at the front of the Eccles Theater (which is the biggest film venue at the festival) and I was facing Danny. We made eye contact and I asked if I could get a picture and he said, "Come on" and waved me over. I had to make my way down the aisle, past their entire family, and then squat on the floor in between Danny and Rhea, which was so hilarious and strange, but still oddly cool. My friend Michael took the picture. It was such a ridiculous set-up, but hello, when Danny DeVito calls you over, you don't question it, you just go! :)

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