Monday, December 22, 2008

Pinky's Fandance - Monday Edition

Today's story is from the Pieces of April Sundance premiere in 2003 (GREAT movie, by the way. LOVED it). After the film was over, I was trying to get a picture with Oliver Platt, who I love. I asked if I could get a picture with him and he said, "Sure" and then promptly walked away. Um, what? My friend was following me to take the picture (as it was before my fancy camera), and she was like, "He said yes, follow him!" So we did. As we're trailing him around like a puppy, I look up and there's Kevin Spacey. In my head I was like, "Um, wow! Kevin's totally going to trump Oliver!" (sorry Oliver) They obviously had a lot to catch up on, so I waited patiently (well, as patiently as one can be while in the presence of the great Kevin Spacey) until I could ask Kevin for a picture. While I was waiting my friend took this picture of us and I like it because it looks like I'm just hanging out with them (because apparently we're BFFs). Once they were done, I was able to get the picture with Kevin and all was right with the world. The funny part was that I didn't realize Oliver was even still in the picture - and boy, does he look happy! Chump - it's not like he didn't have first pick. :) Check out the word on Kev's hat - it cracks me up!

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