Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Pinky's Fandance - Thursday Edition

In order to give credit where credit is due, we need to go back to the beginning. When I first started working at the Festival, I had no idea what I'd gotten into. Of course, I dreamt of meeting celebrities, but I was basically happy just to be in the same room with them and *maybe* sneak a picture of them sitting in the audience. To me, this was enough. I was thrilled just being near them. So, you can imagine my surprise to find one celebrity who changed this. I was at one of my first films ever during my first Festival (called XX/XY) and I was sitting right in front of Robert Redford, Mark Ruffalo, a girl from 90210, and James LeGros (he was on Point Break and Ally McBeal). While not-so-slyly trying to take a picture of James LeGros, he stopped me and said, "Why don't you wait for me after and we can take one together?" In my head I was like, "Huh? Seriously? Together? Um, OK" but outwardly I think I just said, "Cool" (or maybe I said nothing like the stunned freak I am). As we left the theater, he was standing outside WAITING FOR ME. How freaking cool is that? He's like the nicest guy ever. So, we took a picture and chatted a little and that was that. From that point on he changed the way I looked at taking pictures with celebrities and that it was OK to do so (especially if they're there to pimp out their film). Even better? A year later I saw him at another film and he totally remembered me. We got another pic, chatted some more, and he's just so down-to-earth and awesome. It was a real treat to meet him.

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