Friday, December 19, 2008

Pink Gift-a-palooza

Yesterday was *almost* an embarrassment of riches in terms of receiving gifts. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. There could be far greater woes than being *too* spoiled, right? :) The day began with Kate bringing me the cutest Hello Kitty pen ever. Not only was it a Hello Kitty pen, but it wrote in SIX different colors! It's amazing. Sadly, I took it to bowling and I think Laurie may have stolen it (just teasing, Lar - but hopefully you know where it is??). Then, I received a package from one of my sales offices with a pink cashmere scarf, a pink travel mug, and some snuggly pink socks. After work I went to our bowling party and my team gave me the GREATEST phone in the world - of course it's a pink Hello Kitty phone (and I don't even have a land line - no matter. It will proudly decorate the Pink Palace with its glory). Oh, and if you notice in the picture, the girls are wearing the necklaces I made them. Pretty fancy! :) Finally, when I got home, I not only received four Christmas cards in the mail (three of them being my favorite - picture cards), but there was a package from my brother's family with the coolest stamping supplies and pink flamingo ornament (wahoo!) ever. I love it. How great was my day? Pretty good, right?

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