Wednesday, December 17, 2008

An Open Letter To TC

Dear Mr. Cruise, You don't fool me. You can run your mouth all over town about being sorry for the couch jumping debacle and how (tee hee) you *may* have overdone it, but I'm not buying whatever crap you're selling. You're just as crazy as you were last week. And who in their right mind is going to spend their Christmas watching a World War 2 movie about someone wanting to assassinate Hitler? Not the warm and fuzzy movie I'd choose, thank you very much (not that I'd pay any amount of money to see your annoying mug anyway, but on Christmas?!!? Come on). As you know, I hate you and pray for your child and the eventual release of your puppet wife continuously. Go sell your garbage somewhere else. No one here is buying it. Not even the least bit sincerely, Pinky Lovejoy

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