Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Scrooge

Let's just lay it all out there: I'm not a fan of New Year's Eve. Never have been. Too much hype. Too many expectations. Always, always disappointment. In fact, aside from spending the Y2K NYE with my best friend, Lanette, and her husband, I don't remember ever enjoying a New Year's Eve. Ever. That's pretty sad, huh? Now that I'm 100 and hate people (especially loud drunken people in the masses), I pretty much stay in and go to bed before midnight. Well, the before midnight part might be exaggerated (as my insomniac ways can never seem to get to bed before at least one), but you get the picture. I'll be home, crocheting, watching movies. You know, the usual. Drink a cold one for me (whether that be egg nog, martinelli's, or whatever your little heart desires). :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you on this one. It's strange though...I remember as a kid my folks always had tons of parties. I sometimes wish I could be that loud crowd, party-loving person, but I'm more a small get together kind of gal. Even so...I'm not doing a thing tonight either. David is working and I think I'm just going to hop in the tub now that the kiddos are in bed. Happy New Year to us! :)
