Friday, December 26, 2008

My New Favorite Movie

As we all know, I couldn't wait for the new Brad Pitt movie to come out. I was so mesmerized by the commercials I was certain I'd adore the movie. I was right. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a fantastic film. I triple loved it and was bawling like a baby by the end. What a beautiful story, a talented cast, and a wonderful love story. What more could you ask for in a movie? If you get a chance, GO SEE IT! Yes, it's long, but definitely worth it. Plus, Brad Pitt has never looked more attractive in his entire life. I'm pretty sure I was drooling. Cate Blanchett was no slouch either - the make-up work was incredible. I'll definitely be buying it when it comes out on DVD so I can watch it over and over. I loved the lessons it taught and how it showed how precious life is and how you should treasure each day and the ones you love.

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