Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Leona Naess Rocks my World

I almost forgot to mention one of the coolest things about our gift exchange last night. Shmegan gave me and Crusty a copy of the new Leona Naess CD called "Thirteens." This was quite appropriate, as last year she gave us both The Weepies CD (which was also amazing). If you haven't heard Leona Naess until now, you should rush out and pick up her CD. She has the most exquisite voice - I simply can't get enough. I've been on a constant stream of Leona since I got to work this morning (OK, I'm perhaps a *wee* bit obsessed). When I worked in Special Events at Sundance my first year, Leona's "people" submitted one of her CD's to us to consider having her play at a party. We'd take turns in the office to see who could pick the CD that day and I always picked her. In fact, after the Fest, I *may* have inadvertently taken it home (what?!!? Did I just say that out loud? Thief!). Ever since then, I've been a huge fan and was planning to get the new CD - I just hadn't gotten around to it. I'm stoked! Thanks again, Shmeg! :)

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