Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's a Good Thing I Adore the Bride

This morning I attended a bridal shower for my friend, Betsy, who's getting married next month (there's a link to her blog on here, by the way). Now, bridal showers in general are not really my favorite thing in the world (being the divorced, barren, 100-year-old spinster that I am) and bridal showers that start at 10 a.m. on a Saturday morning (oh, the inhumanity!!!) are even worse, but I'm a big fan of Betsy so I sucked it up and went. I'm glad I did. It was nice to see some old friends from the ward and it was just generally a nice shower (no annoying games, just food and gifts - perfect!). Everyone seemed friendly and happy to be there, so it was an enjoyable day. I think the plaque thing I made her turned out pretty cute. It's the first time I made one, so we'll see.

As a side note, I met Betsy when we served on the Activities Committee together. She once hosted a brunch at her house and I was amazed at the beauty and feel of her place. It was like a grown-up apartment! As we all know, mine is decidedly NOT a grown-up apartment, as my seven-year-old niece would probably mistake my apartment for her room (although, it should be noted I don't have any High School Musical posters on my walls like she does). I'm so excited for Betsy and her new adventure in life - congratulations, my friend!!!


Taryn said...

I just got your comment on my blog and no I don't think that you're a bah humbug - You just don't like tags so I will resist tagging you anymore :) I hope that you're having a good holiday season. I got your christmas card in the mail -thx! The mosiac thing that I think your talking about is the way to make picture collages? I just went to a site called photoscape and downloaded the free software. Then went you go to use it you're gonna wanna click on the page tab at the top and it will let you pick a template and then choose your photos and then it's just click and drop. Pretty easy.

Taryn said...

Betty Grace said...

Thanks Pinky- So fun to see you this weekend at the shower- as well as the bonus meeting Friday night. Love the homemade gift, you're amazing. Thanks for the blog shout out. You rock!