Thursday, December 11, 2008

How Cool is This?

So, apparently I'm a big dork and didn't realize what my friend sent me yesterday. It's not a necklace after all, it's a very cool bracelet made from all genuine healing stones. All the pink ones are rose quartz, which helps our heart heal. It's a love stone. The maroon ones are garnet. Garnet is also a stone of love. "The loving powers of garnet tend to reflect the attributes of devotion, bringing the love of others to expressions of warmth and understanding. It is quite helpful in moods of abandonment, allowing one to realize that surrender to discontinuity brings freshness to ones life." The clearish-sparkly ones are moonstone. "Moonstone can be used to alleviate emotional tension and to enhance the positive attributes of creativity and self expression. It stimulates confidence and composure and allows one to understand that there is no situation so difficult that it cannot be countered with diplomacy." It also helps to regulate and stabilize fluctuations of hormones. Do I need this bracelet or what? :) Perfect timing, my friend! :) THANK YOU!!

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