Monday, December 22, 2008

Duran Duran Rules My World

Don't be jealous, but I'm the proud new owner of a Duran Duran shirt, circa 1984 (which is very appropriate, considering that's the year I fell in love with them). Thanks McFamily for the early Christmas gift! I LOVE it!!! :) I also wanted to show you the hat I made McP (actually, the hat was originally for a dumb boy who can't be bothered to come over to my house so I can measure his head, so.....score for McP). Isn't it great? Fits her perfectly! I think I forgot to post the picture of my new flamingo ornament - so cool.

1 comment:

  1. Cute McP! She's the beneficiary of so many cute gifts- I know it's the cute little face and those big dark eyes that melts the heart and gets her anything she wants... Ahhh, to be young and cute again!
