Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve with the Peeps

Today was a very nice and productive day. My dad arrived safely and then my sister's family came up to visit the Pink Palace (as they'd never seen it before). We did stockings and hung out for awhile before I ran some errands with Dad and Phoenix. Best interaction of the day?
Phoenix: Do you live here all by yourself, Auntie?
Auntie: Yep, just me.
Phoenix: You must get lonely.
OUCH. I swear little daggers may have gone directly into my heart. :) On our way to run errands we had to stop by the school where they filmed High School Musical so Phoenix could get a picture (it must run in our blood). This evening we all met up at our friend Corry's house for a delicious chili dinner (yum!) while the kids had fun playing Guitar Hero. It was the perfect Christmas Eve day. :) Of course, any day spent with those we love is a good day, right?

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