Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Cards Make Me Happy

Can I just tell you how much I love Christmas cards? I don't know why, but there is nothing as exciting as receiving a Christmas card (or any card, really) in the mail. I LOVE getting things in the mail - I'm like a five-year-old about it. My favorite Christmas cards, of course, are photo cards. In fact, if there's not a picture, I'm always disappointed. They just make my whole day. Last year almost EVERY card I got was a picture card - hooray! They look so lovely on my fireplace and then I scrapbook them, so it's fun to see everyone's family grow and change from year to year. Yesterday I received my very first card in the mail (thanks, Taryn!) and it had a picture! Yay! Of course, as my cards were sent out last week, now I have the few sad return to sender, no forwarding address cards. I hate those. There's just nothing quite as sad as a returned Christmas card all stamped up and rejected. I want to cradle the sad card in my arms and then forward it to the right place....almost like those little Charlie Brown Christmas know, the little ones no one picks. Man I'm just super sappy today.

1 comment:

Christi said...

Hopefully you'll get my cheezy card any day now. I love Erin's idea of framing the kids' artwork to give an a present! Can't believe your tree committed suicide...bummer...