Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Celebrity Wrap Up, Wednesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.Oh, Owen. You look so cold and wet. Here, let me dry you down with this handy towel I've been carrying around in my car on the off-chance I'd see you. It's your favorite color and everything. There, there. Should we go put you in a nice, hot shower? Yeah, that's what I thought. Now that Ashlee Simpson is a mother (to BRONX MOWGLI, let's not forget), apparently she's decided to dress as matronly as possible. Take that shirt back to your grandmother's closet and start acting normal please.Seriously, could Gwen Stefani's family be any cuter? Everything they do is magic. And they're even rocking old school skates! Poor Suri. Look at her low hanging head and secret shame. Someone must have told her who she wsa related to. Bless her heart. Thank you, Kate Hudson, for showing us how NOT to wear a hat. And did you borrow those leggings from Lindsay? NOT hot.

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