Monday, December 29, 2008

Celebrity Wrap Up, Tuesday Edition

Hello and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.While I applaud Keri Russell's desire to lead a "normal" life and go to the market sans bodyguards, I do need to question her dressing up like a mushroom to do so. Also strange? Is that child a little too big for the papoose carrier, or is it just me? Drew Barrymore's favorite thing about working on The Wedding Singer? The wardrobe. Apparently in lieu of pay, they let her keep all the outfits (the movie was set in 1985 for those of you just tuning in).Every time I see this picture of Hugh Jackman, all I can think is, "Cha cha cha." I don't know why.Oh, crap. She's really gone and done it now. Look at the holes in feet of Katie's tights. She has apparently lost her TC-programmed mind. Let us bow our heads in a moment of silence.I had no idea the economic recession carried over to a Celebrity Recession. Have they officially run out of celebrities? What braniac decided Debbie (that's right, I said Debbie, NOT Debra) Gibson should put her hands in concrete? I have no words.

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