Monday, December 8, 2008

Celebrity Wrap Up, Monday Edition

Good morning and welcome to today's edition of Celebrity Wrap Up.I'm guessing the person who designed Rihanna's dress has a newborn because they seem to have designed it to look like a diaper.Quick! Somebody please call the authorities! A crazy man is kidnapping Suri! Amber Alert!!!Another day, another horrid display of grooming by SJP. I'm getting pretty sick of talking about this, SJP. Please just use the brush I sent. I spent a big money on it at the dollar store. There's something just wrong about pocket in an evening gown. It makes the person look lazy or something. Sorry, Ricki Lake. Not a fan.How YOU doin', Brad Pitt? I don't even care that your shirt and tie look ridiculous. Have I told you lately that I love you? On a related note, man his new movie (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) looks incredible. I can't wait to see it!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

Brad Pitt - I don't know - the little mustache is a little creepy, and makes him look a bit like John Waters, which is even wierder, since John Waters would not be squiring a woman around on his arm...