Wednesday, November 5, 2008

An Update on the Land of Pink

This is how single I am - last night for dinner I had Ritz crackers with mozzarella cheese melted on them. What is that? I suppose it's better than the bag of microwave popcorn or Weight Watchers eclair I usually have, but not by much. I considered layering the crackers with jelly (what is it with me and jelly lately?), but I was afraid it would microwave funny. So, just crackers and cheese. Don't get me wrong, it was delicious, but come on.
Moving my bed has made my entire room feel different. It's like I've got a new apartment, it's fun. Of course, it also shows me what a disaster my floor is (stupid feather comforter that leaves feathers in places no feather should ever be), but still. I'm definitely enjoying the change.
Speaking of change (you thought I was going to bring up the election there, didn't you? Nope. I'm going to ignore it), I can't believe I woke up to SNOW today!!! How did that happen? Wasn't it just summer?
And finally, yesterday I received a Thanks award at work, which was exciting. For my gift, I chose a chocolate fondue set. I've never had a fondue set before and am very excited to use it. Perhaps I should host a fondue party? Or, maybe I can just bring it along to Cindy Ree's one night and we can have chocolate for dessert. :)

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