Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tonight's Top Story....

Last night we had a bit of a celebrity encounter...well, some local celebrities, at least. While we were enjoying our dinner at Cindy Ree's we noticed the anchors from the Fresh Air Newscast on Channel Two, Shauna Lake and Mark Koelbel. They were gracious enough to take a picture with me and then another one with McP (as she aspires to be a celebrity stalker, er FAN, when she grows up, I just know it). I shared some of my celebrity pictures with them and they seemed to enjoy that and asked me to email them with my info (for a possible story during exciting, right?). Anyway, it was fun to see them. Later McP was still excited because she just couldn't stop laughing and smiling - obviously she loves celebs!


  1. I can just see you now--the Sundance go to girl. You are the one in the know.

  2. great picture, I hope they do the story!
