Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sexiest Man Alive?

People magainze just announced their latest Sexiest Man Alive and I'm torn. I was actually wondering the other day who it might be, but I couldn't think of anyone who stood out in my mind. Brad Pitt has already won too many times and Ricky Schroder isn't really relevant or popular enough (although he certainly deserves it!!!). The winner? Hugh Jackman. Hmmm. I don't know what I think about this. Not that I have any say in the matter, of course, and sometimes he can look quite fetching, but Sexiest Man Alive? I dunno. Thoughts?


  1. Is that Zac Efron on the front of that Mag? Ugh.

  2. I don't mind Hugh as the winner, but some of their other choices I highly object to.

  3. I love Hugh Jackman! C'mon, most definitely gorgeous, sings, dances ... and can definitely kick some butts!
