Monday, November 3, 2008

The Quest for the Perfect Hat

Hats are huge at Sundance. Over the years I've had a lot of cute and practical hats, but I've yet to find the Perfect Hat. You see, the hat is all-important, as it will be featured in my celebrity photos from that year. One year I had Hello Kitty earmuffs and they were a *huge* hit, as people were loving them so much that they had to take a photo with me. I mean, who could say no to Hello Kitty? No one. So, I've been perusing the internet for the perfect hat. In fact, one is en route as we speak (and I'm sure as soon as I get it, I'll post a picture). It's adorable and I'm hoping it'll fit my giant basketball head. We'll see. But imagine my surprise today to walk into work and find this fantastic hat that says, "Pinky" on it from my friend Tami. I LOVE IT! She got one that says, "Pinky's Friend." How great is that? I can't wait to take a picture with both hats!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are so cute! I just have the pink fleece hat with matching gloves from Old Navy. At least they're pink,right? ;)
