Monday, November 24, 2008

Productive Pinky

For being such a space case last week, my weekend was remarkably productive. All the Christmas gifts are purchased, wrapped, and ready to be put in the car; I'm all packed; all my Christmas cards are stamped, addressed, filled out and ready to be mailed tomorrow (one day earlier than I'd like); all the ornaments I was making for the kids are done; all the necessary car items are ready (CDs, iPods, movies, etc); and all my Christmas presents are ordered (anything needing to be completed and ordered by this weekend). Whew! I feel great. Tonight I just need to pack up my car, get my apartment cleaned up, and go to Cindy Ree's (as we had to move our Cindy Ree's night this week with the holiday and all).
Oh, and last night after dinner I went and watched a movie at my friend Kelly's place and the apartment had a Murphy Bed! How cool is that? I've never actually seen one in real life, only on movies and TV shows. I was completely fascinated. Of course I had to take pictures.

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